Monti on Tour!

Dear Reader,

Today we would like to take you on a little journey. We won't tell you where we're going, but you'll find out for yourself in the end! Besides, as we all know (and especially here) the journey is the destination.

We invite you to accompany one of our breads. You will get to know the different stations that a loaf of bread passes through until it reaches our customer. And along the way you will get an insight into our departments and processes - "Inside Back Shop"!

To make the whole thing entertaining and fun to read, we didn't choose just any bread. Your traveling companion is called Monti. Monti is a whole wheat bread, moist on the inside, crispy on the outside, with a nice crust and a fluffy crumb. In short: the guy is to bite! Monti is, of course, representative of all our products - because they are all delicious!

You will quickly notice: It's a long way before a loaf of bread like this reaches the customer, and above all it needs a lot of preparation. In order for Monti to come into being in the first place, various departments have to start their work in advance. After all, we are traders and do not produce ourselves - but in return you will get a full range of frozen baked goods from us!

But enough of the many words, let's just get started!

The journey begins with your personal contact, the sales manager. Our colleagues are always in direct contact with customers and are trained to find out what they want.

As a rule, products that have been newly added to the range are presented to the customer. During internal product presentations, we taste potential new items and consider whether the item would suit our clientele. If we are sure that the article has potential, it is listed and presented to the customer.

In discussions and through targeted inquiries as well as concrete suggestions, we find out together with the respective customer whether the article would fit into the assortment or whether there might be alternatives. Wherever possible, special requests are taken into account, because we see ourselves as problem solvers!

At this stage, we also discuss whether the customer would like to order the in-house Back Shop brand or whether perhaps even a private label is desired. Although this is linked to certain conditions such as certain purchase quantities, it is gladly taken up by the customers.

Sometimes our customers also request specific products, some of which may already be in the regular range or which are then listed at the customer's request and with the corresponding purchase quantities. The focus here is on customized solutions. Of course, we also consider whether a desired article might be of interest to other customers. Because often the higher the quantity, the lower the price!
The purchasing department then sets out to find the desired article. But we will go into this in more detail later.

Of course, sampling is part of the process in all cases. Because even if the price and the specification fit: the most important thing is of course that the article tastes good and meets the customer's expectations!

Once all these things have been clarified, our internal sales department is informed and prepares everything on the basis of a price calculation so that the customer receives an offer via the sales manager. If the customer is a new customer, it must of course first be created in our master data. The associated prices are then also stored there so that subsequent invoicing runs smoothly and without errors.

If separate agreements have been made with the customers, these must also be carefully recorded - after all, it must be ensured that the invoices are created correctly later. In addition, prices and agreements are the basis for later evaluations and sales reports. Levies for the dual system are also calculated in the internal sales department and must, of course, be error-free. Master data is therefore of enormous importance and must be recorded with the greatest possible care.

In addition, when general questions arise, the sales managers and the internal sales team are the first points of contact, and we now have more than just a business relationship with many customers. We want to work together on an equal footing in a spirit of partnership and trust!

All colleagues are then informed about the new customer's installation. From this moment on, the first order can be entered.

So, dear reader, when it is most beautiful, one should stop, as is well known! Now I'm sure you're eager to get to know Monti. Unfortunately, you'll have to be a little patient, because we'll be introducing two more departments in the next "Inside Back Shop".

Until then, enjoy your time and stay healthy!



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