Green Electricity for Back Shop

Green Electricity for Back Shop

As a deep-freeze warehouse, we naturally require a lot of electricity. However, we as a company are very aware of our responsibility towards the environment and thus always strive to keep the negative impact of our economic activities as small as possible.

Back Shop Tiefkühl GmbH has therefore decided to operate the Hamburg and Queis sites entirely with verified green electricity from January 2021.
The additional costs of the electricity mix, which will then be generated from solar, hydro and wind power plants, are entirely justifiable - especially when you consider that no CO2 emissions are produced in the generation of the green electricity and that the electricity is therefore CO2-neutral. The positive effect is definitely worth this investment for us!

The verification of compliance with the green electricity standard is carried out by TÜV-Nord, which guarantees the origin of the electricity.

Making the unavoidable electricity consumption CO2-neutral is another step in the implementation of our environmental goals.

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