Company Health Management ("CHM") at BACK SHOP

As an employer, we care about our employees and want to do our part to keep them healthy - because only healthy employees are fit and productive! Through various campaigns, we therefore want to create incentives for a healthy lifestyle.

As early as October 2016, a program with various points was launched in cooperation with a renowned health insurance company. There were health days, workplace analyses, screenings and workplace programs on various topics. We focused on back training, stress management, cardiovascular and nutrition. The program was very well received by all employees and ended in 2019.

Since both physical work in the warehouse and working at a computer screen can lead to health problems, a company health management program was launched in parallel.

This includes various sporting campaigns, for example a running group with regular participation in the charity run in Halle.  The "Cycle to Work" campaign was even rewarded with annual bonuses. Since August 2019, we have offered our employees in Queis their own extensively equipped fitness room. Colleagues in Hamburg are invited to participate in weekly company sports - because joint sports increase the feeling of togetherness and general job satisfaction is increased!

Of course, preventive health care should not be neglected, so our employees have the opportunity to receive flu vaccinations if they are interested. Once a year we offer a massage in the company as a special highlight.

A weekly fruit basket for all colleagues is a matter of course for us. Once a year, the employees also organize a health week on the subject of "healthy eating". Here, a small, selected team considers a specific topic, such as "whole grains" or "milk", and works this out for the other colleagues. At the end of the health week, a "healthy barbecue" is held. This promotes team spirit and at the same time focuses on healthy eating.

Even though the Corona problem makes things difficult, we continue to think about what could be possible at the moment. For example, an ADAC driving safety training course is to take place this year. We are very much looking forward to when the restrictions become less and we can do more together again!

The "CHM" team works closely with the management on this and is supported by them with an annual budget, among other things. Already in mid-May, thanks to our parent company, Harry Brot GmbH, it was possible to offer vaccinations to all employees in our warehouse. The colleagues in Hamburg could be vaccinated at the end of May. The interest among the eligible colleagues was very high, which we of course welcome. Because pulling together is not only more fun, it is also more effective!

With this in mind: Stay healthy!

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