Can Back Shop actually also organic? Of course!

Topics like energy saving and renewable energies, sustainability, environment and organic are becoming more and more important. A considerate approach to nature should be a matter of course - but the past and also the present show that this is unfortunately not the case. Much more can (and must!) be done here.

Fortunately, environmental awareness among the population is increasing more and more, and many consumers want to make their contribution here. The demand for organic products is therefore continuously increasing, and we have also had ourselves certified here. Because organic is so much more than just a sales argument!

You often read the addition of "organic" on articles, sometimes just in front of individual ingredients. But what criteria must actually be met for this addition to be permitted? Are there fixed requirements that have to be met - or is this just a marketing gimmick to attract customers?

In general terms, we can say that the aim of organic certification is to create a sustainable management system for agriculture. What this means in detail, we explain here.

The top priority is to preserve and promote the health of soil, water, plants and animals. Using natural resources responsibly is especially important because they are limited and take time to regenerate.

Part of the organic concept is also to contribute to biodiversity, because this is the basis of life for humans and animals. The various ecosystems provide clean air, fresh water and natural fruits and vegetables.

Of course, there are specific principles that must be followed here. Maintaining and promoting soil life and the natural fertility of the soil are of utmost importance. Many earthworms are known to be a sign of "good" soil.

In addition, the use of non-renewable resources such as petroleum, natural gas, and coal should be minimized because they usually take millions of years to develop. Solar and wind, on the other hand, are abundant, and their energy can now be stored - often an excellent alternative!

Another measure is the reuse of waste materials and by-products of plant and animal origin. Horse manure instead of artificial fertilizer is therefore the motto here!

Production decisions are made taking into account the local or regional ecological balance. Preventive measures are also taken to maintain plant health. These include, for example, the selection of suitable varieties that are inherently resistant to pests and diseases. This eliminates the need to use chemical control agents. In addition, mechanical production methods and living organisms are used - and hand on heart: a group of chattering running ducks is also much cuter to look at than a pile of slug pellets!

Appropriate crop rotation is also of great importance. Alternating crops with different nutrient requirements prevents soil leaching. In addition, mechanical and physical methods are used to protect beneficial insects. Ladybugs, hedgehogs and co do an excellent job, because nature takes care of many things all by itself - if we let it!

Of course, there are also things that really have no place in organic products. For example, the use of ionizing radiation is completely prohibited. The use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and products produced by GMOs should be avoided wherever possible. Strict restrictions apply with regard to synthetic chemical means of production.

Of course, strict regulations then also apply to the production of the finished organic products. For example, the production of organic food must take place separately from conventional food, both in terms of space and time. Of course, an organic product may only consist of organic ingredients. There are only a few exceptions, for example table salt and water.

The finished product may then bear the official organic logo (always in conjunction with the number of the inspection body). This is the only way to recognize that it really is an organic product that meets the strict regulations. So reach for it here with a clear conscience! The environment and therefore mankind will thank you in the long run.

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